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How to deal with injection moulding machine exhaust gas


Injection moulding machine in the production process will produce a large number of styrene, vinyl chloride, toluene, non-methane hydrocarbons and other exhaust pollutants, the need for timely exhaust treatment, otherwise it will pollute the environment, then, how to deal with the injection moulding machine exhaust? Here with the Everest blue editorial to learn more about it.


Injection moulding machine exhaust gas collection system:

Collection system is very important, not only to consider the actual production process does not affect the normal production, but also need to consider the efficiency of the collection of exhaust gas to achieve more than 90%, now generally used fixed, universal, hose type plus collection cover for local targeted collection;

Injection moulding machine type is more, there are horizontal, vertical, equipment also have big and small, to achieve the design of the collection system can be based on the actual working conditions to comprehensively consider the practicality and programme.

Injection moulding machine exhaust gas treatment system:

Now on the market for injection moulding workshop (injection moulding machine) exhaust gas treatment more catalytic combustion, activated carbon adsorption, plasma purification method, etc., have received good results.

Catalytic combustion: more suitable to deal with higher concentration, small air volume of VOCs organic waste gas, the overall process safety factor and sealing scale is high. For high air volume, lower concentration of organic waste gas to take pre-treatment to choose the adsorption concentration process.

Activated carbon filtration: the use of honeycomb activated carbon, column activated carbon, granular activated carbon, activated carbon fibre and other porous structure adsorption of VOC harmful gases, activated carbon filtration of this type of method is widely used at this stage of an adsorption process.

Low-temperature plasma equipment: When the resulting operating voltage reaches the air's discharge operating voltage, the air is broken down, resulting in a mixture of electrons, various ions, atoms and free radicals. Low-temperature plasma equipment to degrade pollutants is the use of high-energy electrons, free radicals, pollutants in organic waste gas and other active particles in a very short period of time to break down the pollutant molecules, to achieve the purpose of degrading pollutants.

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How to deal with injection moulding machine exhaust gas

Injection moulding machine in the production process will produce a large number of styrene, vinyl chloride, toluene, non-methane hydrocarbons and other exhaust pollutants, the need for timely exhaust treatment, otherwise it will pollute the environment, then, how to deal with the injection moulding machine exhaust? Here with the Everest blue editorial to learn more about it.


Injection moulding machine exhaust gas collection system:

Collection system is very important, not only to consider the actual production process does not affect the normal production, but also need to consider the efficiency of the collection of exhaust gas to achieve more than 90%, now generally used fixed, universal, hose type plus collection cover for local targeted collection;

Injection moulding machine type is more, there are horizontal, vertical, equipment also have big and small, to achieve the design of the collection system can be based on the actual working conditions to comprehensively consider the practicality and programme.

Injection moulding machine exhaust gas treatment system:

Now on the market for injection moulding workshop (injection moulding machine) exhaust gas treatment more catalytic combustion, activated carbon adsorption, plasma purification method, etc., have received good results.

Catalytic combustion: more suitable to deal with higher concentration, small air volume of VOCs organic waste gas, the overall process safety factor and sealing scale is high. For high air volume, lower concentration of organic waste gas to take pre-treatment to choose the adsorption concentration process.

Activated carbon filtration: the use of honeycomb activated carbon, column activated carbon, granular activated carbon, activated carbon fibre and other porous structure adsorption of VOC harmful gases, activated carbon filtration of this type of method is widely used at this stage of an adsorption process.

Low-temperature plasma equipment: When the resulting operating voltage reaches the air's discharge operating voltage, the air is broken down, resulting in a mixture of electrons, various ions, atoms and free radicals. Low-temperature plasma equipment to degrade pollutants is the use of high-energy electrons, free radicals, pollutants in organic waste gas and other active particles in a very short period of time to break down the pollutant molecules, to achieve the purpose of degrading pollutants.

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