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Printing waste gas treatment high temperature plasma incineration technology


High-temperature plasma incineration technology can deal with high concentration, complex composition, flammable and explosive, containing solid, oily organic waste gas, for printing exhaust treatment, high-temperature plasma technology is a more suitable treatment process, the following with the Everest blue editor to learn about it~.


Printing waste gas treatment high temperature plasma incineration technology is a high frequency (30KHz) high pressure (100,000 volts) high-power power supply in the specific premise of the polymer energy discharge. Industrial waste gas in the reactor from room temperature rises sharply to 3,000 degrees high temperature, high temperature, high potential under the dual role of organic pollution components (VOCs) instantly be ionised and completely cracked. After high-temperature plasma incineration treatment, the organic matter (VOCs) in industrial waste gas is cracked into carbon, carbon dioxide, water vapour and other single substances. Continuous uninterrupted treatment of waste gas, (natural gas RTO for intermittent work mode) which is particularly important in the waste incineration exhaust, gravure printing organic waste gas treatment applications.

Advantages of high temperature plasma incineration technology for printing waste gas treatment

Broad spectrum: able to deal with high concentration, complex composition, flammable and explosive and containing a large amount of moisture, solid, oily industrial waste gas, to achieve discharge standards.

No consumption of natural gas, no carbon emissions. No valves and other moving parts, can be no end of the barrier, uninterrupted operation of tens of thousands of hours

Small wind resistance, low energy consumption: processing 20,000 cubic metres / hour of gas RTO, in order to overcome the wind resistance of the ceramic heat storage body requires a power consumption of 90 kW induced draft fan.

High energy efficiency ratio: energy saving, high temperature plasma incineration equipment exhaust gas discharge temperature, than the exhaust gas inlet temperature is only a few dozen degrees.

Good treatment effect: dioxin and other difficult to deal with substances, instantaneous and complete decomposition, to achieve discharge standards. (It is the ideal solution to the problem of dioxin emission from the waste incineration exhaust gas)

No ozone emissions (low-temperature plasma equipment has ozone emissions).

Economy: the same specifications of the high-temperature plasma incineration equipment, the price is less than one half of the gas incineration RTO, the operating cost is less than one half.

Small footprint, high degree of automation to save manpower, low operating costs.

Will not produce secondary pollution. No odour, which is an important consideration for densely populated areas.
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Printing waste gas treatment high temperature plasma incineration technology

High-temperature plasma incineration technology can deal with high concentration, complex composition, flammable and explosive, containing solid, oily organic waste gas, for printing exhaust treatment, high-temperature plasma technology is a more suitable treatment process, the following with the Everest blue editor to learn about it~.


Printing waste gas treatment high temperature plasma incineration technology is a high frequency (30KHz) high pressure (100,000 volts) high-power power supply in the specific premise of the polymer energy discharge. Industrial waste gas in the reactor from room temperature rises sharply to 3,000 degrees high temperature, high temperature, high potential under the dual role of organic pollution components (VOCs) instantly be ionised and completely cracked. After high-temperature plasma incineration treatment, the organic matter (VOCs) in industrial waste gas is cracked into carbon, carbon dioxide, water vapour and other single substances. Continuous uninterrupted treatment of waste gas, (natural gas RTO for intermittent work mode) which is particularly important in the waste incineration exhaust, gravure printing organic waste gas treatment applications.

Advantages of high temperature plasma incineration technology for printing waste gas treatment

Broad spectrum: able to deal with high concentration, complex composition, flammable and explosive and containing a large amount of moisture, solid, oily industrial waste gas, to achieve discharge standards.

No consumption of natural gas, no carbon emissions. No valves and other moving parts, can be no end of the barrier, uninterrupted operation of tens of thousands of hours

Small wind resistance, low energy consumption: processing 20,000 cubic metres / hour of gas RTO, in order to overcome the wind resistance of the ceramic heat storage body requires a power consumption of 90 kW induced draft fan.

High energy efficiency ratio: energy saving, high temperature plasma incineration equipment exhaust gas discharge temperature, than the exhaust gas inlet temperature is only a few dozen degrees.

Good treatment effect: dioxin and other difficult to deal with substances, instantaneous and complete decomposition, to achieve discharge standards. (It is the ideal solution to the problem of dioxin emission from the waste incineration exhaust gas)

No ozone emissions (low-temperature plasma equipment has ozone emissions).

Economy: the same specifications of the high-temperature plasma incineration equipment, the price is less than one half of the gas incineration RTO, the operating cost is less than one half.

Small footprint, high degree of automation to save manpower, low operating costs.

Will not produce secondary pollution. No odour, which is an important consideration for densely populated areas.
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