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How to deal with printing factory exhaust gas


Printing plant exhaust mainly from the ink, glue on-site preparation and storage of solvent volatilisation emissions and ink tanks, glue tanks and products into the paint shop exhaust treatment into the oven before the solvent volatilisation emissions, characterised by a large air volume, low concentration, a variety of solvents are mixed, the recovery of the economic value of a slightly lower. How to deal with the exhaust gas of the printing plant? The following with the Everest blue editor to learn about several common printing plant exhaust gas treatment process~


Plant liquid gas-phase reaction

The plant liquid is atomised at high pressure to form a misty gas-phase dispersed plant liquid molecules with great surface area and surface energy compared with liquid molecules, and the plant liquid molecules in the gas-phase within the purification equipment form a gas-phase fast-absorbing environment with the exhaust gas molecules;

Plant liquid absorption method: plant liquid molecules are a kind of non-toxic and harmless macromolecule highly active long-chain substances, which can quickly absorb the exhaust gas molecules after atomisation and dispersion, and this kind of purification method is also known as bonding polymerisation reaction method. Exhaust pollutants are absorbed and purified by plant liquid molecules, and then become non-toxic and odourless molecules to meet the emission standards. This purification method is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, not chaotic and efficient;

Absorption method

This method is a mature chemical unit manipulation process, suitable for the treatment of VOC-containing waste gas with atmospheric volume and medium concentration;

Catalytic combustion method

This method is a method of treatment using the combustible nature of VOC. VOC enters the combustion chamber, and under the premise of sufficiently high temperature, excess air, and high temperature turbulence, it is completely burned to natural CO2 and H2O and then discharged. Usually used combustion methods are direct combustion method, catalytic combustion method. According to different situations in the specific design of the more appropriate treatment method;

Catalytic oxidation method

The use of special ultraviolet band (C-band), under the action of special catalytic oxidant, the exhaust gas molecules broken and further oxidation and reduction of a special treatment method. Exhaust gas molecules first through the special band of high-energy ultraviolet light waves broken organic molecules, interrupting its molecular chain; at the same time, through the decomposition of oxygen and water in the air, to get a high concentration of ozone, ozone further absorption of energy, the formation of oxidation function higher free hydroxyl, oxidation of exhaust gas molecules. At the same time, according to the different components of the exhaust gas configuration of a variety of composite inert catalyst, greatly improving the speed and efficiency of exhaust gas treatment, so as to achieve the purpose of purification of exhaust gas.

How to deal with the above printing plant exhaust several commonly used process is introduced, for the printing plant exhaust, need to be based on the site for the design of the programme, need to be based on the amount of ink production, exhaust emissions, exhaust concentration and other parameters to determine the need for which governance process, if you have related needs, you can contact us for a detailed quotation and programme.

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Industry Company FAQ
How to deal with printing factory exhaust gas

Printing plant exhaust mainly from the ink, glue on-site preparation and storage of solvent volatilisation emissions and ink tanks, glue tanks and products into the paint shop exhaust treatment into the oven before the solvent volatilisation emissions, characterised by a large air volume, low concentration, a variety of solvents are mixed, the recovery of the economic value of a slightly lower. How to deal with the exhaust gas of the printing plant? The following with the Everest blue editor to learn about several common printing plant exhaust gas treatment process~


Plant liquid gas-phase reaction

The plant liquid is atomised at high pressure to form a misty gas-phase dispersed plant liquid molecules with great surface area and surface energy compared with liquid molecules, and the plant liquid molecules in the gas-phase within the purification equipment form a gas-phase fast-absorbing environment with the exhaust gas molecules;

Plant liquid absorption method: plant liquid molecules are a kind of non-toxic and harmless macromolecule highly active long-chain substances, which can quickly absorb the exhaust gas molecules after atomisation and dispersion, and this kind of purification method is also known as bonding polymerisation reaction method. Exhaust pollutants are absorbed and purified by plant liquid molecules, and then become non-toxic and odourless molecules to meet the emission standards. This purification method is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, not chaotic and efficient;

Absorption method

This method is a mature chemical unit manipulation process, suitable for the treatment of VOC-containing waste gas with atmospheric volume and medium concentration;

Catalytic combustion method

This method is a method of treatment using the combustible nature of VOC. VOC enters the combustion chamber, and under the premise of sufficiently high temperature, excess air, and high temperature turbulence, it is completely burned to natural CO2 and H2O and then discharged. Usually used combustion methods are direct combustion method, catalytic combustion method. According to different situations in the specific design of the more appropriate treatment method;

Catalytic oxidation method

The use of special ultraviolet band (C-band), under the action of special catalytic oxidant, the exhaust gas molecules broken and further oxidation and reduction of a special treatment method. Exhaust gas molecules first through the special band of high-energy ultraviolet light waves broken organic molecules, interrupting its molecular chain; at the same time, through the decomposition of oxygen and water in the air, to get a high concentration of ozone, ozone further absorption of energy, the formation of oxidation function higher free hydroxyl, oxidation of exhaust gas molecules. At the same time, according to the different components of the exhaust gas configuration of a variety of composite inert catalyst, greatly improving the speed and efficiency of exhaust gas treatment, so as to achieve the purpose of purification of exhaust gas.

How to deal with the above printing plant exhaust several commonly used process is introduced, for the printing plant exhaust, need to be based on the site for the design of the programme, need to be based on the amount of ink production, exhaust emissions, exhaust concentration and other parameters to determine the need for which governance process, if you have related needs, you can contact us for a detailed quotation and programme.

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